ヒューマンライフサイエンス研究所後援 オンライン講演会 HD Video Recorder of the Cellを開催します。(2023.1.24)

ヒューマンライフサイエンス研究所後援 オンライン講演会
HD Video Recorder of the Cell

The dynamic behaviors of cells during development, tumorigenesis, and other disorders remain largely unclear. Our lab is developing “DNA event recording” systems by which high-resolution information of cells is progressively stored in cell-embedded “DNA tapes.” Using high-throughput single-cell sequencing, such a system enables access to molecular and cellular history information of cells at the time of observation and provides a way of observing the dynamics of complex biological systems in high resolution. We envision mapping the whole-body cell lineage and differentiation trajectories of mouse development and have been actively progressing towards this goal. I will share our grant vision and recent progresses in developing new genome editing tools and high-performance computing technologies.

【日時】2023年1月24日(火) 16:40-18:10

【講演者】谷内江 望(ブリティッシュコロンビア大学准教授)



【申込方法】事前申込 メールに氏名、所属を記入してsaita.maho@ocha.ac.jp まで。



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